For Brands
Why join Sustainability Map?
Identify sustainable and verified MSMEs
Access trustworthy data and verify suppliers’ sustainability claims
Map and give transparency to your supply chain
Benefit from strong data privacy and confidentiality on UN servers
Help to trace product origin and highlight your sustainable suppliers
Tell your sustainability story and strenghten your brand image to consumers
Meet 20’000+ businesses with verified sustainability claims
Be a part of the bigger picture
Some sustainability enablers contributing to Sustainability Map

Testimonials from brands

“We were more than happy to be the pilot in the ITC-ICS project and involve our supply chain into Sustainability Map.
In this increasingly complex world, supply chain traceability is crucial and remains one of brands biggest challenge. It goes along with a requirement from all stakeholders to brands for more transparency.
ITC Sustainability Map tool is helping us to address both needs by:
- providing one more way to collaborate with our peers to address the issues we can find in our supply chain;
- involving respectfully all stakeholders, especially suppliers and factories, under the neutral roof of the UN. We need to get them onboard willingfully ;
- creating a public network of validation for factories information.”
“Camaieu is proud to be part of this supplier mapping project led by ITC in partnership with ICS.
This traceability and transparency project is perfectly in line with the corporate CSR strategy that we have been pursuing for several years now.
This mapping allows us to engage the responsibility of our suppliers in this process of transparency and to strengthen our partnerships.
We are thus moving towards better control of our supply chains, which will allow us to improve our social and environmental impact in a targeted and concrete manner.”

“As a committed brand, Tape à l’oeil has implemented a corporate social responsibility (CSR) transformation plan across its entire supply chain with the following priority objectives;
- reducing its footprint,
- improving the environmental and social quality of its products as well as transparency and traceability.
In this context, Tape à l’oeil is engaging with ITC in collaboration with ICS on a project that will eventually allow us to map its entire value chain from fiber to the finished product. “
“Jules is proud to participate and support the Sustainability Map plateform which promotes Transperancy and Traceability among Jules ‘ Supply Chain.
Jules considers that transparency is a huge tool for decent working conditions by identifying negative social and environmental impacts.
Jules has always supported suppliers promoting sustainability in their production.
The sustainability Map aims to address a big challenge to build trust with our suppliers.”

Some examples of brand profiles
Explore Sustainability Map


Tape à l'Oeil
Frequently Asked Questions
As a brand committed to sustainability and increasing the transparency of its value chain, contact us to see how we could assist you to empower all actors along your value chain, leverage our sustainability enablers' network and to validate your suppliers sustainability claims.
Data exposed on Sustainability Map comes from brands and sustainability enablers who want to give visibility and empower businesses committed to sustainable production, consumption and trade.
The original data source of the information is always referenced on the company profiles. Information provided by the brands and sustainability enablers pertain to the sustainability claim or certification made by the company.
The company is then invited to endorse their profile for free, and provide an overview of their company, products and sustainability journey.
Information is not owned by the International Trade Centre, nor will it ever be commoditised. Users of the platform are free to make their profile private, or delete their information, at any time.
Yes absolutely. You can decide what specific information is being shared on the platform. You may also at any time make your profile private or delete it.
You should have received an invitation email, by our organization, or by the sustainability enabler who shared your information with us. Should you not find this email, please contact us.